Det har pågått mycket olika rykten om Jay-z och hans tro. Många tror att han har dolda budskap i sina texter och att han är en högt uppsatt man inom illuminati.
Här förklarar han själv sin tro, men vad tror du?
“I don’t know where it started. I don’t know where it came from. I really think it’s really silly. For the record, I of course believe in God, but I believe in one God. If people must know my religious beliefs, I believe in one God. I don’t believe in religion. I don’t believe in Christians or Muslims. I think all that separates people. I think it’s one God. I think it’s all the same God, and I don’t believe in Hell. But as far as God, of course I believe in God. Am I a part of some sect or cult? That sounds stupid to me. It’s like ignorant to even say, and umm… I guess that’ll be the last time I address that. It’s ignorant to me”
I can’t even get in a golf club in Palm Springs. I’m from Marcy Projects. Just think about that? People that control the world?
Do you believe that those sort of organizations exist?
I think there are cliques of friends that control things. I don’t if there is a devil worshipping sect. That’s a little Tom hanks. I believe there are cliques of people that control the world…but that’s just natural process. I’m sure Obama has his people and everything is good but as far as how far people are taking it…
So you don’t intentionally do this to put people in a frenzy?
I’m an entertainer at the end of the day. Maybe I’ll push your buttons but you know…"
Texten ovan är hämtad från:
Necole Bitchie.com: Jay-z Speaks On The Illuminati and his Religious Beliefs
Det här tycker jag låter intressant ,tills jag såg hans tröja.
Detta uttryck myntades av en känd satanist kallad för Aleister Crowley och han fick detta uttryck genom att en ande kallad för Aiwass dikterade en hel bok genom Aleister.
Intressant eller hur?
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